Refilling the Well

Issue No. 26, July, 2022

The Dialogue

Hi There,

Taking a break from the regular format of The Dialogue until the fall.

In the meantime, I’m back to work with my own teacher, Larry Moss, and carving out some time for study. These days, spare moments are, well… spare. So, I’m making the most of the next several weeks to refill the creative well.

Here are some favorites things I’ve come across this month. If there’s anything you’re reading, watching, listening to that’s grabbed your attention I’d love to hear it!



*A note on links – I don’t use affiliate links or receive payment/incentives for promoting material in The Dialogue.

Odds & Ends

Refilling the Well

We talk a lot in The Dialogue about things we could be doing in our careers and creative lives to fulfill our artistic selves.

But what do we do when the hard work we’ve put in leads to success—and we find ourselves short on time and low on energy?

Water Pouring from Glass

How do we keep ourselves moving forward when we just don’t have hours left in the day to invest in fueling our reserves? Or when intense periods of growth and focus have left us feeling a little depleted?

These are topics I’d love to cover in future issues of The Dialogue. Until then, here are a couple of things to escape into (Watching), inspire you (Reading), and free your active mind (Using).


The Bear (FX)

This show brought me back to my days casting Chopped for The Food Network.

The chefs I interviewed for the show talked frequently about the brutality of kitchen work, and this series captures that life in all its chaos.

Poster : The Bear (FX)

Excellent performances all around, matched with striking direction and cinematography.

Tune in for the craft, but sit back and enjoy the world-making and the drama.


Where to watch:


Directed By James Burrows

James Burrows has long been an idol of mine. His direction brought to life some of the best sitcoms of the last fifty years, and he has a reputation as one of the kindest directors in the game.

Book Cover : Directed By James Burrows

This book is a great behind-the-scenes read set in the world of television. It features stories of actors auditioning for roles that would catapult them to stardom, and others that were fired from roles that would go on to catapult a different actor to stardom.

Read it for the entertainment lore, but dig in for stories that will bring you comfort around missed opportunities (and blessings in disguise).

Purchase on Amazon:

Purchase on Barnes & Noble:

Purchase from an Independent Bookseller:

Or, check the stacks of your local Public Library.


Things 3

I’m going to geek out a moment and let you in on a secret: I’m a big fan of the task management system Getting Things Done (GTD).

Without it, my brain would explode.

Things 3 App

The past several months have been a very busy season in my life, and staying on top of all the… things… has proven more challenging than ever. The Things 3 app has been a lifesaver, helping me keep all my tasks and projects in one place.

Things 3 utilizes GTD principles, keeping a running list of projects that can be separated into areas of focus. By clearly dumping all my To-Dos in one place, and organizing them into actionable steps, I free my mental energy for more creative pursuits.

Use it for the efficiency gains, revel in the peace of mind.

Check it out here: