How to Help Ukraine

Issue No. 22, February, 2022

The Dialogue

Hi There,

Words fail in times like these.

As I write this, my daughter snuggled in my lap, watching horrors unfold on the news, I know she is cozy and safe. In this moment, I know I am lucky. And so is she.

The people of Ukraine are experiencing terror, loss, and heartache. In the face of the awful atrocity inflicted on them, I believe it our responsibility, sitting in our relative comfort, to help however we can.

In place of this month’s issue of the dialogue, here’s a list of resources to help the people of Ukraine, right now.


How to Help

5 Ways to Help Ukrainians

This is by no means a comprehensive list of organizations currently aiding the Ukrainian people. But if you’re like me, sitting at home, wanting to help (and you have the resources to contribute), here are a few options.

Hands Holding in front of Ukrainian National Colors
A list of ways to help, from Ukrainians

The most inclusive aid list I’ve found, cited by major media outlets. Includes links to help provide support for children traumatized by war, links to support journalist, and the Ukrainian military effort.

USA for UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency

The United Nations Refugee Agency, this group is already on the ground in Ukraine providing assistance since the first Russian incursion in 2014. Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds are currently matching donations up to one million dollars.

Ukrainian Based Vostok SOS

Mentioned in Time Magazine, Vostok SOS paired with German-Swiss NGO Libereco helping people evacuate and provide humanitarian aid.

United Help Ukraine

A United States based non-profit formed in 2014 after the annexation of Crimea.

The Kyiv Independent

Donate via the Patreon for The Kyiv Independent to help keep accurate news flowing from Ukraine.
